Sponsored By Central Ontario Intergroup
Event Type: Virtual
Register By 2 pm EST the day before your first session
We will read about the Steps ahead of each session, write about the Steps individually during the session, and then share our writing in small groups (2–3 people). We will actually work through the Steps, for example writing out a Fourth Step inventory and writing amends letters/scripts. You don’t have to attend every session.
Schedule for each session (approximate)
- Introductions – 15 min
- Writing on the designated Steps – 30 min
- Explain the sharing – 5 min
- Share our writing in small groups – 30 min
- Evaluation and wrap up – 10 min
Other details:
- FREE (suggested Seventh Tradition donation).
- Great for newcomers and longtimers.
- Join via Zoom or telephone. Ask us for help if you are new to videoconferencing.
- Interpreters welcome! Bring your own interpreter.
- You don’t have to attend every session, but please register 24 hours before your first session to receive the handouts and zoom details.
To register, you may email: coiquicksteps@oaontario.org. For questions, email coiquicksteps@oaontario.org or contact Pat at 647-520-2742 or pattig123.0@gmail.com
If you don’t hear back from us, check your junk mail, and if that doesn’t work, email pattig123.0@gmail.com.